- Soundpool – 5´50
- Laila II – 16´52
- Looping IV – 22´19
- Schwingspule (Bonus track) – 10´59
All titles composed, arranged and performed by Agitation Free, except “Looping“ composed by E. Grosskopf.
Lutz Ulbrich (g)
Jörg Schwenke (g )
Michael Günther (b)
Michael Hoenig (synth, keys)
Burghard Rausch (dr, perc)
Dietmar Burmeister (dr, perc)
Gustl Lütjens (modified voc, loops)
Erhard Grosskopf (loops)
Track 1 & 2: recorded March 1973 by Dominique Blanc-Francart.
Track 3: recorded at “Studio 10“ at RIAS Berlin, February 1974, with artificial head recording
Track 4: recorded December 1971 at the TU-Mensa, Berlin.