Manuel Göttsching has died

Actually we wanted to announce news about the re-release of “Early Water”, the musical collaboration of Manuel Göttsching with Michael Hoenig, here. But now Manuel Göttsching has passed away – and suddenly everything is different.

Ash Ra Tempel and Agitation Free once got to know and appreciate each other in the Electronic Beat Studio run by Thomas Kessler. At that time, a collegial relationship with various joint concerts began. Manuel’s furious guitar playing always stood out. And with “Inventions for Electric Guitar” he later created a milestone of instrumental rock music. This led to Lutz Ulbrich joining first Ash Ra Tempel and then Ashra in the mid-seventies. This eventually became a decades-long collaboration. Michael Hoenig also worked with Manuel Göttsching, and so the above-mentioned album “Early Water” was born. With the stroke of genius “E2-E4”, Manuel’s music became a blueprint for techno and led to worldwide fame. Among other things, this led to these three gentlemen being immortalized together in the Tokyo Tower Wax Museum as life-size wax duplicates. Göttsching’s innovative work was characterized by sensual, flowing music played with elegant ease. His unmistakable guitar style creates an intense hypnotic effect and carries you away into warm and relaxed worlds of sound. With Manuel Göttsching one of the most important protagonists of the Berlin School has died – a great musician and wonderful person. But his music lives on …

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